St Andrews Leckie Library

The following is a selection of books from our church library. Where possible we have included links to You are under no obligation to buy from them and will try to include other links as well. Some books are also available at a reduced price / free as an ebook so worth shopping around even from within amazon.

Title/Author Description

Discovering the Old Testament

Alec Motyer

Dr Alec Motyer is a well-known Bible expositor and from an early age has had a love for studying God’s Word. He was formerly principal of Trinity College, Bristol.

Why I Trust the Bible

Amy Orr Ewing

‘You don’t honestly believe all that stuff in the Bible!’ Challenged by her friends, and later as a student by theological staff, Amy Orr–Ewing was determined to leave no stone unturned in her eagerness to prove that the Bible was unique and wholly reliable.

Faith Under Fire

Andrew White

Author of the Vicar of Baghdad Andrew White’s perspective on faith and hope. How does he keep going, and what does he say to God?

My Journey so Far

Andrew White

 As Vicar of St George’s Baghdad, the only Anglican church in Iraq, he leads a team providing food, health care, and education on a major scale and often in dire circumstances. Despite the pain from multiple sclerosis, he has nevertheless been able to mediate between opposing extremes. He is frequently involved in hostage negotiations, and played a key role in ending the siege at the Church of the Nativity in Jerusalem.

Mud Sweat and Tears

Bear Grylls

As a Christian, Bear tells the story of his action-packed life. Gripping, moving and wildly exhilarating, Mud, Sweat and Tears is a must-read for adrenalin junkies and armchair adventurers alike.

God’s Smuggler

Brother Andrew

The book GOD’S SMUGGLER tells the story of the start of his work, smuggling Bibles into communist countries illegally during the Cold War, which developed into the worldwide ministry now called Open Doors International.

The Hiding Place

Corrie ten Boom

As the Nazi madness swept across Europe, a quiet watchmaker’s family in Holland risked everything for the sake of others, and for the love of Christ. Despite the danger and threat of discovery, the ten Boom family courageously offered shelter to persecuted Jews during the Nazi occupation of Holland. Then a trap brought about the family’s arrest. Could God’s love shine through, even in Ravensbruck?

Mere Christianity

CS Lewis

The book brings together C.S. Lewis’s legendary radio broadcasts during the war years, in which he set out simply to ‘explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all times’.

The Screwtape Letters

CS Lewis

This book takes the form of a series of letters from Screwtape, a devil high in the Infernal Civil Service, to his nephew Wormwood, a junior colleague engaged in his first mission on earth trying to secure the damnation of a young man who has just become a Christian.

I Believe in the Historical Jesus

I. Howard Marshall

Few would deny that a person named Jesus lived and died during the first century of this era. Yet opinions differ widely as to the reliability of the New Testament record of his life. In I Believe in the Historical Jesus, Marshall surveys the quest for the historical Jesus from the 19th century to the present, examines the methods used to extract historical information from the gospels, and investigates the role faith plays in a study of the life of Jesus.

Keep in Step with the Spirit

J.I. Packer

One of Christianity’s greatest scholars makes the person and power of the Holy Spirit accessible to all who strive for a closer walk with God.

Chasing the Dragon

Jackie Pullinger

One woman’s struggle against the darkness of Hong Kong’s drug dens. Until it was pulled down, the Walled City was Hong Kong’s most foreboding territory. It was a lawless place, dominated by the Triads, and which the police hesitated to enter. Yet, as she spoke of Jesus Christ, brutal Triad gangsters were converted, prostitutes quit, and Jackie discovered a new treatment for drug addiction: baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Christianity: Grace at our Core

John Dimmock

For most people, our Christain walk has become a mess. We work to be a better Christian. We are either consumed, striving to pelase God or dejected from our poor performance. Do we get up and pray for two hours at 4 am every day? Do we read the Bible cover to cover every week? Or do we spend more time with Facebook than God? This book is offered as a reminder for us to focus on what it means to be a Christian and to keep Grace at our Core.
Free ebook download

Gunning for God

John Lennox

John Lennox points out some of the fallacies in the New Atheist approach, arguing that their irrational and unscientific methodology leaves them guilty of the very obstinate foolishness they criticise in dogmatic religious folks. Gunning for God packs some debilitating punches. However, it also puts forward new ideas about the nature of God and Christianity that will give Dawkins’ best friends and worst enemies alike some stimulating food for thought.

Soul Keeping

John Ortberg

In Soul Keeping, John Ortberg helps Christians rediscover their soul–the best connection to God there is

Who is this Man?

John Ortberg

On the eve of his crucifixion it seemed like Jesus’ influence on the world had ended. On the contrary, it had just begun. In Who Is This Man?, Ortberg reveals how Jesus has impacted civilization and individual human hearts.

The Living Church

John Stott

The Living Church brings together a number of characteristics of what the author calls ‘authentic’ or ‘living’ church. The marks, being clearly biblical, are timeless and need to be preserved.

Radical Disciple

John Stott

John Stott looks at eight characteristics of Christian discipleship, which are commonly neglected.

The Cross of Christ

John Stott

The universal symbol of the Christian faith is neither a crib nor a manger, but a gruesome cross. Yet many people are unclear about its meaning, and cannot understand why Christ had to die. In this book, John Stott explains the significance of Christ’s cross and answers the objections commonly brought against biblical teaching on the atonement.

Power Evangelism

John Wimber

We are living in a time when God is powerfully refreshing, renewing, healing and equipping his Church through his Spirit. Now, more than ever, we need to know how Christians can become more effective in evangelism. How can we see the Spirit of God work in power?

The Church in the Power of the Spirit

Keswick Year Book 2006

Selection of talks and seminars from the annual christian conference


Keswick Year Book 2007

Selection of talks and seminars from the annual christian conference

Creation, Chaos and Christ

Keswick Year Book 2008

Selection of talks and seminars from the annual christian conference

Faith that Works

Keswick Year Book 2009

Selection of talks and seminars from the annual christian conference

The Glory of the Gospel

Keswick YearBook 2005

Selection of talks and seminars from the annual christian conference

The Case for Faith

Lee Strobel

A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity is a non-fiction book by Lee Strobel, a former Atheist turned Christian who uses the book to examine a number of critical questions that he feels limit a person’s capacity to embrace Christianity

The Case for Christ

Lee Strobel

A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus. Lee Strobel cross-examines a dozen experts regarding the evidence for Jesus of Nazareth.

Joseph the Hidden Hand of God

Liam Goligher

Joseph occupies a crucial role in the Bible’s drama of redemption. Ultimately Joseph’s story is about God’s intention to save, not just Joseph’s family, but bringing through Judah a saviour for the world.

Café Theology

Michael Lloyd

Michael Lloyd’s Café Theology is a kind of introductory textbook to the core doctrines of the faith, aimed at those who want to go deeper. There are ten chapters, covering the great doctrines in a traditional credal shape (beginning with creation and fall, and ending with the final victory of God and the Church).

Where is God When it Hurts

Philip Yancey

This book discusses pain–physical, emotional, and spiritual–and helps us understand why we suffer from it and how to cope with our own and that of others. Using examples from the Bible as well as the author’s personal experiences, the book speaks to everyone for whom life sometimes doesn’t make sense

Soul Survivor

Philip Yancey

Philip Yancey looks closer at those whose lives radiate spiritual authenticity rather than pious posturing. From Dostoevsky to Martin Luther King, G. K. Chesterton to Paul Brand, Yancey pays homage to some of the most remarkable, selfless, Christ-like lives our world has known,

What’s so Amazing About Grace

Philip Yancey

 This book is an insightful exploration of grace, the most powerful force in the universe and our only hope for love and forgiveness

The Invisible Hand

RC Sproul

In this book, Dr. R.C. Sproul covers all aspects of divine providence and reasserts the fact that God is concerned with each detail in the universe.

Money Sex and Power

Richard Foster

Richard J. Foster guides the reader in day-to-day ethical decision making, while helping each of us determine the proper place in Christian life of money, sex and power.

Tortured for Christ

Richard Wurmbrand

This classic story of amazing faith in shocking circumstances has been updated for a new generation. Its message remains urgent and relevant: thousands of Christians are still persecuted and tortured around the world today, suffering solely for their belief in Jesus Christ.

Getting Your Kids Through Church

Rob Parsons

How to raise kids with a healthy view of Christians, the church, themselves and God.

Total Forgiveness

RT Kendall

Anyone who wants to experience all of God’s blessings must forgive others–totally forgive them. This best-selling author, former minister of Westminster Chapel, explains that forgiveness is as spectacular as any miracle.

For What its Worth

Simon Guillebaud

A highly challenging call to respond with our whole hearts to Christ. To follow our Saviour is not about being nice. It’s about taking risks.

The Reason for God

Tim Keller

Tim Keller explains how faith in a Christian God is a soundly rational belief, held by many thoughtful people today.

The Prodigal Prophet

Tim Keller

Most people, even those who are nonreligious, are familiar with the book of Jonah: a rebellious prophet defies God and is swallowed by a whale. Less familiar to most people is the second half of this Biblical story–what happens after Jonah is released from the belly of the fish. Yet it is in this second half of the story that one of the most powerful and important lessons of the Bible is hidden.


Tim Keller

Christians are taught that prayer is the main way to experience God. But aside from learning prayers by rote, few receive guidance in how to make the most of this essential Christian act. In Prayer, renowned pastor Timothy Keller shows us how to make prayer genuinely meaningful.

Once and for All

Tom Smail

Tom Smail takes the connection between the atonement and the Trinity as the underpinning of ‘Once and for All’ If we recognize that the work of the cross has to be seen to involve all three persons, and their relationships to one another, we have a structure that enables us to deal with the problems the doctrine of the atonement raises.

The Forgotten Father

Tom Smail

This highlights the relationship at the heart of Christianity, that of the Son and the Father. In particular the critical importance of this to Jesus and the distinctiveness of this among other religions is emphasised.

Distinctives – Dare to be Different

Vaughan Roberts

In a fresh and readable style, Vaughan Roberts issues a challenging call to Christians to live out their faith. We should be different from the world around us – Christians distinctives should set us apart in how we live, think, act and speak.

True Worship

Vaughan Roberts

This book challenges us to worship God every day of the week, with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.

God’s Big Picture

Vaughan Roberts

Tracing the story-line of the Bible

We Need To Talk About Race

Ben Lindsay

Christianity has been dubbed the white man’s religion, yet the Bible speaks of an impartial God and shows us a diverse body of believers. It’s time for the Church to start talking about race. Ben Lindsay offers eye-opening insights into the black religious experience, challenging the status quo in white majority churches.