We stream our Sunday morning Service from 10:45am (9:30am this week) using our YouTube channel.
In addition to following the links or viewing from this page (see below), if you have a “Smart TV” you may be able to click on YouTube with your remote and enter “St Andrews Leckie” with the search to find “Sunday Service”.
If you get stuck, let us know and we may be able to help or loan you something to watch the service on (if live in the Peebles area).

Dial-In Service

If you (or someone you know) can’t access the service online, you can also listen to the service with your landline phone. Simply dial 01721 444 833. This number will relay the sound live but in the event of problems or if you miss it, a recording will still be available afterward by pressing 1 on your handset. This is a Peebles local number, please check with your provider for charges.

Sunday Club Groups under 18s

Sunday Club (P6 and under)
Please bring along children at 10:45 am to be signed in. If you are visiting the area or simply never been before we will just need to get your contact details and any special requirements that we need to know about.

7Up (school age P7 and over)
We meet on the balcony on Sundays for the first part of the service and then go to the youth room upstairs in the Bakehall for our own group.

Order Of Service

9th February 2025
Closing Blessing