Past Events

Evening service

Sunday evening worship allows for more space to have extended times of sung worship. At the close of the service, there is the opportunity to receive confidential prayer ministry. On the first evening of the month, we meet for “Prayer and Praise”, where we particularly pray for the life of the church and our community. Building a house of prayer From May we began a new…

Prayer Time

The Church is open for quiet prayer from 8-10am every Wednesday – with time to join others in open prayer from 9:40-10am.

Prayer for Revival

Every Thursday we meet between 7-8am to pray specifically for Revival in Peebles. Join us in the Vestry or if you can’t make it in, the comfort of your home or car on the way to work. We will be praying that God moves among us in power, to show what it looks like when God does what only He can do.

Christian Aid 2019

Starting with a Service on Sunday 12 May @ 6pm, a week of Christian Aid events. For more details see:

Healing Prayer

Prayer for healing by teams of trained Christians. We are open for prayer from 10:30-12.30 in the Church Hall.


SALT (St Andrews Leckie Thursday friendship group), the new name for Senior Fellowship. LECKIE MEMORIAL CHURCH HALL PROGRAMME: May-June 2018 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 2pm May: 9 & 23 Please phone the Church Office (723121) on the Monday before the meeting if you require transport.

Getting Kids Through Church

Based on the book “Getting Kids Through Church…”. Don’t worry that you’ve missed the start, there’s good stuff all the way through!